Yeah I kind of worked for someone like this once, for a year and a half. The boss/owner of the small company was a high energy individual that wanted to be fun. Sometimes it was good for morale, but mostly I just wanted to get my work done, get paid, minimize problems, and go home. This kind of attitude my boss had made me feel like he was just there to have fun and "play" with his business instead of actually work. This is because no one really knew what he actually did. His work was a mystery, but he was usually there in his own office. All the real work was hired out for me and my coworkers to do.
Here is where I first came across this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/ty6zyy/one_way_i_boosted_my_morale_today_was_by_watching/ The comments are fun to read through and see how different personalities react to this in the workplace. Some people commented on this being an atmosphere of toxic positivity, where problems are often shoved under the rug and not discussed as adults trying to make things better. It's where everyone needs to constantly be in a great, upbeat mood and bubbly personality. It's exhausting. In my experience. Problems that kept coming up were never actually discussed. The owner kept dismissing things and reciting the same anecdotes that weren't really applicable. He was more interested in how to make more money than how to actually improve and solve problems. Some people in the reddit thread commented that this type of atmosphere is the places where everyone gets paid crap, but the "benefits" are a fun work environment they love to advertise. One person made a joke about how the boss in this video wanted to chat with the employees, play foosball, and go on fun outings, but the employees in reality are probably like, "Hey, I've actually gotta get this sent out today and I just want to go home or hang out with friends instead of play around here." Some others mentioned their dislike of public music being turned up at work as one person commented, "Listening to music I don't like through shitty, tiny speakers in a wooden echo chamber when I need to concentrate on something or be on the phone is going to boost my blood pressure." Anyways, in case you missed it, these are the 5 ways to boost workplace morale according to the video: 1) Get the vibe going, turn the music on 2) Get your energy levels up. walk around, grab a coffee 3) Challenge people, encourage personal growth & development 4) Break up the day, have fun with your team 5) Get outside, change the environment, have a walking meeting, mix it up a little bit.
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February 2024